A Collection of Our Finest Projects

Explore Qoubeh's Diverse Portfolio of Success Stories

In alignment with new city laws, our design team transformed a very old home in a bustling area into three separate apartments, each featuring two bedrooms. This revitalization maximizes space utilization and complies with modern regulations, offering comfortable living arrangements in a busy urban setting.
The renovation of Roohi's family home was infused with a nostalgic concept, carefully blending cherished memories with modern design. Each element of the renovation was thoughtfully chosen to evoke a sense of the past while incorporating contemporary functionality. From vintage-inspired furnishings to repurposed family heirlooms, the home exudes a timeless charm that resonates with the family's history. The nostalgia concept not only transforms the physical spaces but also creates an emotional connection, making the renovated home a true reflection of the family's journey and heritage.
The new artists' couple embarked on transforming their large, old home into a modern masterpiece, with a focus on seamlessly integrating the yard's view. Through innovative design choices, expansive windows, and an open layout, they aimed to bring the outdoors inside. The renovation envisioned by the couple seeks to create a harmonious blend of contemporary aesthetics and the natural beauty surrounding their home, fostering an inspiring environment for their artistic endeavors.
The professor and his wife, constrained by time, swiftly designed and executed renovations on their new home near their workplace within just one month. The focus was on efficient and practical enhancements, ensuring the space was functional and comfortable for their needs. This streamlined approach allowed them to quickly settle into their new home without compromising on the essentials.